Many voice teachers promise to help your singing. John Scott is uniquely positioned to transform the way your voice works.
It’s the difference between polishing a pretty stone, and digging a little deeper, to strike gold.

From my background as a scientist as well as a musician, I know the potential of the human voice. More importantly, I understand the specific vocal techniques that can unleash brilliance, ease, and power in anyone’s singing or speaking.
I have developed and refined my vocal techniques over a thirty year period and have made important discoveries that are effective and powerful.

The John Scott School of Voice offers state of the art voice instruction in Alameda and on-line. We love working with beginners and professionals, so whether you're just starting to explore singing or are an experienced preforming vocalist looking to perfect your singing technique, we can help.
This venue has a beautiful private studio equipped with digital recording and video production capabilities. We offer private one-on-one voice lessons and producing. Advanced students who want to work with John to record their voice and perfect their vocal technique come here. Beginners are also welcome!
If you live too far to meet our instructors in person, you can study with us using Skype. Skype is free and easy to use ( Many of our students from around the world find this a reasonable option. When you study with one of our instructors using Skype, you will be communicating via two-way video conference. You get the same individual attention to your voice that our local students receive.
Free Consultation With John
John Scott has openings for a free 15-minute consultation over the phone. If you have questions about your voice, click here to set up your time slot.

Loved by thousands of people world wide
I have found through the years that the one method I can count on is Voice Breakthrough. John Scott has put together the fool proof method for training a voice that is dependable aand authentic as you grow through your vocal practice.
Shelli Strand, San Francisco
Since starting the program, my singing progress has been described as phenomenal, 400% improvement. My teachers have worked with people such as Dame Joan Sutherland, and they are impressed with my voice.
James Murphy, Australia
I am so happy to have met you! Before Voice Breakthrough, I had vocal problems that clouded my mind and made it zero fun to sing. Now I sing again and even have a weekly job as a speaker.
Felix, Germany